Practical Python: Real coding to build life-time skill

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What Will You Learn?

  • Proficiency in Python programming
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Transferable skill to another programming language
  • Knowledge of Learning Management System (LMS)

Course Content

Introduction to Python as a language

Variables And Constants
In this chapter, you will learn about variables, constants, data types, and memory's working.

Introduction To Functions
In this chapter, you will learn some in-built functions in Python, function chaining, and modules.

Handling Input And Output
In this chapter, you will learn how to give input, how to print output and data type conversion in python.

In this chapter, you will learn about Assignment operators, Arithmetic operators, and Compound operators.

Manipulating Numbers
In this chapter, you will learn different math functions used with numbers.

Complex Mathematical Expressions
In this chapter, you will learn to solve complex mathematical equations in python.

Manipulating Strings
In this chapter, you will learn to manipulate strings using different string methods.

Boolean Expression
In this chapter, you will learn about boolean expressions, comparison operators, making conditions, logical operators, membership operators, operator precedence, and decision trees.

Single-Alternative Decision
In this chapter, you will learn about single alternative decision structure (the if statement)

Dual Alternative Decision
In this chapter, you will learn about dual alternative decision structure( the if-else statement)

Multiple Alternative Decision
In this chapter, you will learn about multiple alternative decision control structure ( the if-elif-else statements).

Nested Decision Control
In this chapter, you will learn about nested decision control structure.

Introduction To Loop Control Structure
In this chapter, you will learn about the need of loop control structure and types of loops.

While Loop
In this chapter, you will learn about while loops, pre test loop, post test loops, and infinite loops.

For Loop
In this chapter, you will learn about the for loops, loop conversions, and range() function.

Nested Loop
In this chapter, you will learn about nested loops.

One Dimensional List
In this chapter, you will learn about one dimensional lists, methods of list, operations performed on list, and dictionaries.

Dictionary, Tuple & Sets
In this chapter, you will learn about dictionary, tuple and sets and their real-life usage.

Two-Dimensional Lists
In this chapter, you will learn about 2-dimensional lists and iterating through 2-D lists.

User Defined Subprograms
In this chapter, you will learn subprograms, function creation, function parameters, scope of variables, and recursive functions.

Exit Test & Python Certification Guidance
Test your learning by taking our exit test. Additionally, get 10 full-length practice tests for Python certification exam. You would need to book the certification exam and pay fees and it is not included in your tution fee.