Exciting Python Projects in the Real World

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What Will You Learn?

  • Build strong background in problem-solving and coding
  • Life long skill
  • Pursue job-oriented courses such as Data Science, QA Automation, and API Development to name a few
  • Earn a certificate
  • Advance your career
  • Get good grades in your class
  • Automate boring tasks using scripting

Course Content

Magic Fortune Ball
In this section, we will create a magic fortune ball with the help of basic Python knowledge. Here we will be using the random module since we randomize the fortune ball for random outputs.

Guess The Number Game
Our aim will be to implement python knowledge to build a simple game of Guess the number.

CountDown Timer
In this section, we will learn to create a countdown timer.

This is basic calculator program used to perform Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division over numbers in Python.

Password Generator
This program will generate strong passwords of desired length. The knowledge of basic python programming is needed.

Dice Roll Game
In this section, we will create a rolling dice simulator with the help of basic Python knowledge. Here we will be using the random module since we randomize the dice simulator for random outputs.

Rock Paper Scissor Game
Our aim is to implement python knowledge to build a simple game of Rock Paper And Scissor. We will try to use basic Python Programming Language.

Tic Tac Toe Game
Learn how to write code of Tic Tac Toe in Python.

Temperature Converter
This program helps you to convert the temperature in Celsius, Kelvin or Fahrenheit. The basic knowledge of python programming is needed.

Implementation Of Queue In Python
This program demonstrates the implementation of queue in Python

YouTube Video Downloader
Our aim will be to implement python programming knowledge to build YouTube video downloader. [Disclaimer] This project can't run on CodeMode due to usage of some libraries. However, it is a good idea to do this useful project. You can use external editor such as Visual Studio Code.

In this section, We will see how to draw rainbow using Turtle Graphics in Python. [Disclaimer] This project can't run on CodeMode due to usage of some libraries. However, it is a good idea to do this useful project. You can use external editor such as Visual Studio Code.

Rotating Cube
Learn how to write code of rotating cube in Python. [Disclaimer] This project can't run on CodeMode due to usage of some libraries. However, it is a good idea to do this useful project. You can use external editor such as Visual Studio Code.

Digital Clock
In this section, We will see how to create a digital clock using Python. This is a simple task to get started with the Tkinter library in Python, which is a built-in package that comes with Python. Tkinter has some cool features that can be used to build simple apps. [Disclaimer] This project can't run on CodeMode due to usage of some libraries. However, it is a good idea to do this useful project. You can use external editor such as Visual Studio Code.